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SCEC Research Interns (1995)
Windy Brimer
UC Santa Barbara
Marc Kammerling
Seismic Hazards in the Santa Barbara Channel Using High Resolution Seismic Reflection Data and Dated Horizons From ODP 893
Andrew Byers
UC Santa Barbara
Jamie Steidl, Ralph Archuleta
Site-Specific Strong-motion Amplification Factors for the outhern California Region
Heather Hodgetts
University of Southern California
Rachel Abercrombie
Microseismicity in the Vicinity of the Cajon Pass Borehole
Mandy Johnson
University of Southern California
David Jackson, UCLA
The California Earthquake Catalog for earthquakes with any magnitude greater than or equal to 5.5 between the years the 1769 and 1994
Jason McKenna
UC Santa Barbara
Fabian Bonilla, Jamie Steidl, and Ralph Archuleta
Removal of Instrument Responses from Selected Aftershocks of the Northridge Dataset
Susannah Pazdral
Wellesley College
Marc Legg, ACTA, Inc.
Mapping the Thirtymile Bank Detachment Fault
Ryan Smith
University of Southern California
Michelle Robertson
In-Situ Calibration of the LABNET Geophones
Donovan Stevens
James Dolan, USC
Seismic Hazards of the Hollywood Fault, Southern California
Carmen von Stein
Central Washington University
Lisa Grant, Woodward-Clyde
Paleoseismic Event Recognition Through Analysis of Cone Penetrometer Tests on the Newport-Inglewood Fault, Huntington Beach, California
Mike Watkins
UC Santa Barbara
Kim Olsen
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Northridge Aftershocks
Isabelle Wicks
University of Southern California
Charles Sammis
Observation of Log-Periodic Activity in the Regional Seismicity Before and After the May 2, 1983 Coalinga Earthquake

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SCEC Education Programs
Office of Experiential Learning & Career Advancement

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