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1998 SCEC Interns
Safaa Dergham
Cal. State Univ. Long Beach
Sally McGill, Cal State Univ. San Bernardino
Paleoseismic studies of the San Andreas Fault in the San Bernardino area.
Leland Green
UC Santa Barbara
Craig Nicholson,UC Santa Barbara
Development of an Interface for 3-D Visualization of SCEC Earthquake Data on the World Wide Web
Lowell Kessel
UC Santa Barbara
Arthur Sylvester, UC Santa Barbara
Folding and faulting along the San Andreas fault, Palmdale, California; Implications for simple shear mechanics and education of the public
Jacqueline Moccand, USC Ann Blythe, USC
Geomorphic mapping and 3-He Chronology of rock slide scarps along the Oak Ridge fault
Tracy Pattelena
Pasadena City College
David Okaya and Nikki Godfrey, USC
Velocity structure of the San Fernando Valley from tomographic inversion of active source data
Justin Rubinstein
Paul Davis, UCLA
Analysis of Azimuthal Variation in Amplitude Factors in Sherman Oaks During the Northridge Earthquake Aftershock Sequence
Javier Santillan
UC Santa Barbara
Jaime Steidl
Understanding Ground Motion Variations at the Van Norman Dam Complex Site
Lisa Sarma
Columbia University
Thomas Heaton, Caltech
Investigation of the coupling between structures and ground vibrations and the implications on damping in buildings


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