Adam Webber's Intern Logs
My total work period will be from
May 10th to May 28th (part time = 15 days at ~3hr/day = 45 hours),
June 9th to Aug 13th (full time = 48 days at ~8hr/day = 385 hours).
(Approximately 400 hours total)
Monday, May 10th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours in the Mapping and Imagery Laboratory (MIL) taking longitudinal profile points* for San Jose Creek and Maria Ygnacio Creek.
(*All longitudinal data points derived from 2- and 5-foot contour interval topo maps of Goleta, Santa Barbara, Montecito, and Carpinteria.)
Tuesday, May 11th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours constructing longitudinal profiles* for San Jose and Maria Ygnacio Creeks. (See attached folder: Excel-Longitudinal Stuff for all profiles and data.)
(*All longitudinal profiles made using Microsoft Excel)
Wednesday, May 12th, 1999
-Spent 4 hours in the MIL taking longitudinal profile points for Atascadero Creek, Las Palmas Creek, and Rincon Creek.
Thursday, May 13th, 1999
-Spent 3 hours constructing longitudinal
profiles for Atascadero, Las Palmas, and Rincon Creek.
-Spent 1 hour interpreting oblique aerial photographs of the Rincon
Creek Anticline (RCA).
Friday, May 14th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours in the MIL taking longitudinal
points for Arroyo Burro Creek and terrace and Las Positas Creek.
-Spent 1 hour beginning an aerial photograph search at the MIL.
Monday, May 17th, 1999
-Spent 3 hours reading and taking notes on various author's previous work, including Patrick Jackson and Robert Yeats' Structural Evolution of Carpinteria Basin, Western Transverse Ranges, California and Ed Keller's Geomorphic criteria to determine direction of lateral propagation of reverse faulting and folding.
Tuesday, May 18th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours constructing longitudinal
profiles for Arroyo Burro and Las Positas Creek.
Wednesday, May 19th, 1999
-Along with Ed Keller, Larry Gurrola, and Antonio Azor, spent 5 hours at La Mesa, Santa Barbara delineating marine terrace sequences and shoreline angles on a 2-foot contour interval topo map, attempting to link the elevations to pre-dated terraces in order to determine a time scale for the sequence.
Thursday, May 20th, 1999
-Spent 3 hours at MIL taking longitudinal points for Coyote and Sycamore Creek and paleochannels, Barker Pass paleochannel, and the SB Tennis Club tributary to Mission Creek.
Friday, May 21st, 1999
-Spent 2 hours constructing longitudinal profiles for Coyote and Sycamore Creek and paleochannels, Barker Pass paleochannel, and the SB Tennis Club tributary to Mission Creek.
Saturday, May 22nd, 1999
-Spent 7 hours in the field with Dr. Keller and Dr. Azor visiting various study sites around Santa Barbara, Montecito, Carpinteria, and Ventura. Especially the RCA study area and the Mission Ridge study area, analyzing landslides and paleochannels, and the overall roll that the active folding has played on the surrounding topography.
Monday, May 24th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours in the computer lab manipulating
and drafting on photos and DEM's to depict fault and fold scarps
and fold propagation trends.
-Spent 2 hours in the MIL taking longitudinal points for Mission
Creek and two of the many various paleochannels.
Tuesday, May 25th, 1999
-Spent 1 hour searching for aerial photographs
of the RCA study area in a variety of scales.
-Spent 2 hours taking longitudinal points of the remaining Mission
Creek paleochannels, cross sectional data for SB Mission garden
paleochannel, and cross profile data for the Mission Ridge.
Wednesday, May 26th, 1999
-Spent 3 hours constructing longitudinal
profiles, channel cross sections, and ridge profiles.
-Spent 1 hour obtaining copies of high-resolution topo maps from
the MIL, and geologic and topo maps from Pacific Travelers Supply
(downtown Santa Barbara).
Thursday, May 27th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours writing a detailed outline and list of figures for the RCA project.
Friday, May 28th, 1999
-Spent 3 hours reading previous works in the area, including Patrick Yeats' thesis and former SCEC interns work on the SB fold belt.
Total Hours for May (Part-time) ~ 53 hours .
Tuesday, June 1st, 1999 - Tuesday, June 8th, 1999
-Final Exams
Wednesday, June 9th, 1999
-Spent 2 hours on the computer writing a
field letter to display on car when away from the vehicle and
also to leave with property owners when they can't be contacted.
-Spent 4 hours at the RCA study site with Dr. Keller, Dr. Azor,
and Larry Gurrola conducting preliminary field reconnaissance,
identifying pertinent features to include in the solution to the
proposed question, and locating potential trench locations on
the forelimb of the anticline.
Thursday, June 10th, 1999
-Spent 1 hour revising my project outline
and list of figures with Larry Gurrola.
-Spent 2 hours researching more journal articles at the UCSB Davidson
-Spent 3 hours correcting outline / list of figures on computer,
and initial work on project introduction
Friday, June 11th, 1999
-Spent 5 hours at the RCA study site doing
some preliminary field mapping (i.e. Delineating marine and river
terraces, paleochannels, landslides, etc.).
-Spent 2 hours organizing project materials and documenting field