1999 SCEC Internship Research


Nathan Earl Robison, EI


 Links within this site:
  USisoseism.pdf Adobe PDF file of an in-progress map compiling maximum felt intensity for the conterminous United States. Approx 3.5MB
 MaxIntensReport.pdf  Adobe PDF file of the developing report on the creation of the Masimum Intensity map above. Includes refined analysis of the intensity/acceleration relation. Approx 50kB
 NERdiary.html  Web page in outline format of the progress in my research project for SCEC - Geologic Constraints on Seismic Hazard Analysis in Southern California.
 WWReport.pdf Adobe PDF file of techniques used in surveying for precarious rocks, background of the White Wolf fault zone in Kern County, CA., and preliminary conclusions for seismic hazard in the area.

Learn About Nathan's Mentor Dr. John Anderson
This project (and the pair in the picture) sponsored by: SCEC: Southern California Earthquake Center



 Useful Earthquake-Related Links:

 Seismic hazard analysis:

USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project


 Searchable databases and general info:

USGS National Earthquake Information Center


 Seismology in the Basin and Range:

UNR Seismological Laboratory

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Contact Nathan at: NER