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2002 SCEC Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SCEC/SURE) Interns
Kathy Barton Sally McGill, CSU San Bernardino

Project: Electronic Encyclopedia of Earthquakes

Julia Clark David Bowman, CSU Fullteron

Project: Predictive Modeling of Seismicity Sequences in Southern California
Presentation (PowerPoint, 1.6MB)

Connie Hartling Sally McGill, CSU San Bernardino

Project: Electronic Encyclopedia of Earthquakes

Chris Helmer
Yehuda Bock, UCSC

Project: SOPAC Internship
Presentation (PowerPoint, 5.3MB)

Comparison of accuracy of real time data (RTD) GPS system versus traditional GPS data analysis. It is important to know the accuracy of the real time system so this information can be used in scientific and commercial applications in the future.

Anna Holt Andy Michael, USGS

Project: Foreshock-Centric Short-Term Earthquake Hazard Forecasts
Presentation (PowerPoint, 1.9MB)

Currently, the Agnew-Jones foreshock model (which gives a probability of a given earthquake being a foreshock to a larger event) will give a different result depending upon which fault the mainshock is assumed to nucleate on. By re-doing the calculations for a given radius around the foreshock itself (foreshock-centric instead of mainshock cetric calculations), for all portions of faults lying within that area, instead of guessing at at most likely fault, we hope to improve the reliability of these results.

Rebecca Hunt Jan Vermilye, Whittier

Project: Electronic Encyclopedia of Earthquakes

Jason Masters
Mark Benthien, USC

Project: HAZUS internship
Presentation (PowerPoint, 1.1MB)

Erik Olsen
Mark Simons, Caltech

Project: Analysis of stress-topography correlation in southern California
Presentation (PowerPoint, 61KB)

  • Understand the behavior of stress under various simplified topographic loads
  • Calculate the stress on faults due to these topographic loads
  • Model the topographically induced stress on the San Andreas fault
Shawn Shapiro Gerry Simila, CSU Northridge

Project: Electronic Encyclopedia of Earthquakes

Katy Tschann-Grimm John Vidale, UCLA

Project: Analysis of the Feb. 2002 Simi Valley, the Oct. 2001 Compton, and the Oct. 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake Sequences

Sara Whipple Rob Mellors, SDSU

Project: Development of XML-based earthquake data access via the California Seismic Safety Commission website

For more information contact:

SCEC Education Programs
Office of Experiential Learning & Career Advancement

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