Southern California Earthquake Center
UseIT: Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology

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What was your favorite part about your UseIT experience?

I liked a lot of things about this program including the people and
the work. The favorite part may be the group retreat. We got to see a
lot of things that I think I would never see if I wasn't part of this

How has your understanding or appreciation for earthquake science
been affected by the UseIT program?

I came into this program without much background in the earthquake
sciences. I feel like I have learned a lot about earthquakes since.
The UseIT program was great in teaching us about it.

What would you recommend to future UseIT interns?

This program lets you explore your interests, take advantage of it
and challenge yourself in areas you are interested in or would never
think to do otherwise.

What is the atmosphere or working environment like?

The working environment was really friendly and relaxed. People can
joke around or ask each other questions without feeling guilty about

What have you done in the UseIT program this summer?

Within the SCEC-VDO program I worked in three projects: navigation,
scripting plugin, and source rupture model plugin. In navigation we
added two types of control system to allow users to move around the 3d
world with more ease and accuracy. Within the scripting plugin I
reorgranized the architecture, implemented the speed settings GUI, and
made several modifications to allow for smoother camera movement.
Finally, working with Amy, I implemented the source rupture model
plugin and its GUI.