Southern California Earthquake Center
UseIT: Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology

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What was your favorite part about your UseIT experience?

Getting to know Los Angeles and California, enjoying the nice weather, and meeting different people.

What about the UseIT program have you benefited from most?

Getting hands on experience with advanced software. Being able to examine advanced java code. Working and interacting with talented computer programmers/students.

What is your overall impression of the facilities and equipment?

I think the equipment is more than adequate based on my needs to get work done.

What is the atmosphere or working environment like?

The work environment is pretty laid back. Because it was a privilege do be here; I felt motivated to get things done.

What have you done in the UseIT program this summer?

I have contributed plugins to the SCEC VIDEO program. I've shared my knowledge of the java language. I proposed new ideas for the improvement of SCEC VIDEO.