> Poster
> Abstract
What was your favorite
part about your UseIT experience?
The field trips were a useful experience exposing us to both
geology and
computer science-relate fields and allowed us to have rest and
away from the usual routine of the lab.
How has your understanding or appreciation for earthquake
science been
affected by the UseIT program?
My overall understanding of why earthquakes occur and the various
consequences associated with them has without a doubt improved
considerably since entering UseIT.
What would you recommend to future UseIT interns?
Come prepared to experience a different set of environments that
you would
not face typically in your normal life.
What is your overall impression of the facilities and
In general, the facilities are pretty good, the computer
equipment is fine
for what we're accomplishing this summer.
What have you done in the UseIT program this summer?
I was the primary contributer towards implementing
the state vector into
SCEC-VDO. With this, a user can save and load previously
stored states at