> Poster
> Abstract
Work Plans:
Due to the dynamic and evolving nature of the projects involved in creating this software I can't outline exactly what changes I would like to and will end up making. However, there are general elements of the software I'm interested in improving, and I also have personal goals that I'd like to accomplish by the end of the summer. I appreciate and see the immediate value in improving the earthquake catalog plugin which is a good thing for me to focus on as a future earthquake scientist. I also hope to contribute what I can to recommend alterations that make the software more appropriate to its audience--so that earth scientists can see what they'll want to see and be able to use this software efficiently and take it seriously. On top of earth science contributions, I'd like to personally come away with a basic knowledge of programming in java, particularly regarding aspects of the software that have relevance in my future. Overall, I hope to contribute what I already know while acquiring an understanding of the computer science aspects of this ever evolving project.