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SCEC Internship Exit Interview

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In Summer I was an intern for:

How has your internship affected your level of understanding on the following topics?

Increased a lot Increased Stayed about the same Decreased Decreased a lot Does not apply to me
Earthquake science research
Computer science/IT research
Earthquake hazards
Working collaboratively
Working independently
Scientific presentations

Has your summer internship changed your interest or attitudes in any of the areas listed below?

My interest has increased My interest stayed about the same My interest has decreased Does not apply to me
A research career
A career in earthquake science
A career in computer science/IT
A career in earth science education/outreach
A new or continuing internship at SCEC
Attending graduate school
Having a non-SCEC internship

Please rate the following aspects of the program. Below you will have a chance to provide comments.

Very Positive/Useful Positive/Useful Neutral Negative Very Negative Doesn't apply to me
Interaction with mentors
Working on a team
Presentations by guest scientists

Too much Just enough Too little
I interacted with my mentor(s)
I interacted with other interns

Excellent Good Okay Not Good Awful
The match between my summer project and my interests was
The match between my summer project and my skills/knowledge was

Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
I understood what was expected of me

Too long Just about right Too short
The length of my internship was

Increased Stayed about the same Decreased
As a result of my internship, my self-confidence has

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