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SCEC Meetings and Workshops
SCEC is an open community of trust that nurtures early-career scientists and shares information and ideas about earthquake system science. The Center’s working groups, workshops, field activities, and annual meeting enable scientists to collaborate over sustained periods, building strong interpersonal networks that promote intellectual exchange and mutual support. In particular, SCEC encourages colleagues with creative physics-based ideas about earthquakes to formulate them as hypotheses that can be tested collectively. An advantage is that researchers with new hypotheses are quickly brought together with others who have observational insights, modeling skills, and knowledge of statistical testing methods. Participation in SCEC is open, and the participants are constantly changing.

SCEC Annual Meetings

The SCEC Annual Meeting is an opportunity for the community to share and get updates on SCEC research projects and activities, as well as plan collaborations for the coming year. The Annual Meeting is held each September, beginning on the Sunday after Labor Day.

The 2015 SCEC Annual Meeting will be on September 13-16, 2015.

Past SCEC Annual Meetings: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

SCEC-Funded Workshops

SCEC participants who wish to host a workshop may submit a proposal in response to the SCEC Science Collaboration Plan. We welcome workshop proposals that organizing collaborative research efforts for the five-year SCEC program (2012-2017). In particular, interactive workshops that engage more than one focus and/or disciplinary group are strongly encouraged. Below is a list of workshops funded for the current SCEC cycle. Go to the SCEC calendar for a full list of events or view previously SCEC-Funded Workshops.
Award Workshop Date Location
15049 Workshop 1: Potential Uses of Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF) System in California and Workshop 2: Implementation of Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF) System in California , Conveners: Ned Field (USGS) 03/16/2015
Fort Collins, CO
15006 SCEC Committee for Utilization of Ground Motion Simulations (UGMS) Meeting 4, Conveners: C.B. Crouse (AECOM) and Tom Jordan (SCEC/USC) 05/04/2015 Los Angeles, CA
15052 SCEC Workshop on 3D Site Effects in Physics-Based Ground Motion Simulations, Conveners: Domniki Asimaki (Caltech), John Anderson (UNR), Ricardo Taborda (U Memphis), Jon Stewart (UCLA) 05/04/2015 Los Angeles, CA
15147 Anticipating SCEC5: Towards a Community Rheology Model (CRM) of the Southern California Lithosphere 09/12/2015 Palm Springs, CA
15166 CSEP/USGS/GEM Workshop: Epistemic Uncertainties in Earthquake and Ground Motion Forecasts, Conveners: Maximilian Werner (Bristol) 09/12/2015 Palm Springs, CA
15068 Community Stress Model (CSM) Workshop, Conveners: Bruce Shaw (Columbia), Joann Stock (Caltech), Jeanne Hardebeck (USGS), and Thorsten Becker (USC) 09/13/2015 Palm Springs, CA
15071 Source Inversion Validation (SIV) Workshop,Conveners: Martin Mai (KAUST), Jean-Paul Ampuero (Caltech) TBD
15188 Imaging and Analyzing Southern California's Active Faults with High-Resolution Topography: A Joint SCEC/OpenTopography/UNAVCO Short Course, Conveners: Christopher Crosby TBD
15152 Community Geodetic Model Workshop, Conveners: Jessica Murray (USGS) TBD
15136 Implementation of Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) Gauntlets on the Broadband Platform, Conveners: Nicolas Luco (USGS) TBD
15095 Rupture Dynamics Code Validation 2015 Workshop, Conveners: Ruth Harris (USGS) TBD

For more information about meetings and workshops, contact SCEC Meetings.

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