SCEC 2000 Annual Meeting: "SCEC 1" Highlights

On the first day of the Annual Meeting, presentations were given by authors of a "Highlights" document which will summarize the accomplishments of "SCEC 1" during its eleven-year history. This document will be useful as a reference for proposals for future funding of a "SCEC 2".

Download the Powerpoint presentations given at the Annual Meeting by clicking on the following links:

SCEC Science Report: Highlighting the First Decade Bernard Minster
Southern California: A Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Science Bernard Minster
Landers and Hector Mine: Two SCEC Earthquakes Duncan Agnew/Tom Rockwell
Earthquake Forecasting Dave Jackson
Data Collection, Synthesis, and Products (4.0 MB) Ken Hudnut
The L.A. Basin Story (6.5 MB) Ralph Archuleta
Fault System Behavior (2.0 MB) Steve Day
Development of the Master Model (web page, not Powerpoint) Ned Field     
Reaching Out to a World in Motion: The SCEC CEO (6.6 MB) Jill Andrews
Themes (4.8 MB) Tom Henyey

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