SCEC 2000 Annual Meeting Poster Session

Selected abstracts for posters displayed at the Annual Meeting will be featured over the next few months as INSTANeT articles. Pictures from the poster session are presented below.

Pictures of Interns with their posters are on the Interns at the SCEC 2000 Annual Meeting page.


Paul Davis (l) and James Dolan (r) discuss the LARSE II vibroseismic experiment results with Shirley Baher (c).


Doug yule (l) discusses his research on the San Andreas fault at Burro Flats.


Bob De Groot (Special Projects Consultant for SCEC CEO) and his poster describing a new earthquake exhibit at the Riverside County Youth Museum (KidZone) and an interpretative trail on the San Andreas fault near Wallace Creek.


Yan Kagan compares his earthquake potential model with a similar result by Steven Ward which used a different method.


A foam model which can be squeezed together to simulate movement along the San Andreas fault, and the uplift of the San Gabriel Mountains. The model was built to help explain the following block diagram:



John Marquis (Digital Products Developer for SCEC CEO) displays the MAPPS (Mission, Audiences, Partners, Projects, and Staff) website under development.



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