Southern California Earthquake Center
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Related Efforts/Products

1) A "SCEC/USGS" Earthquake Catalog (Kagan Jones, Hutton, Jackson, Hough):

Down to magnitude ??
Uncertainties quantified
Aftershocks identified?
Focal mechanisms included?
Tested for completeness

2) Updated/Revised Fault Database (Foxall, Dolan, Kendrick, Silva):

Paleoseismic data (dates and slip amounts)
Digitized fault surfaces
Seismogenic thickness


3) Secular Strain-Rate Map (Shen & Jackson)

Corrected for inelastic strain and post-seismic effects?


4) Quantification of alternative LA Basin fault geometries (so we can test the implications of currently viable perspectives) (Foxall, Dolan, and others)


5) Development of Java based (object-oriented) PSHA code - needed to handle the variety of source models to be considered (E. Field plus an oversight committee).


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