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SCEC Animations and Movies
Movies made with the SCEC-VDO software. A beta version of this software can be downloaded at www.scec.org/SCEC-VDO.
- left-click to watch in your browser
- right-click (ctrl-click on Mac) and choose "Save Target As..." or "Download Linked File" to download

Magnitude 9.0 Japan Earthquake, 3/11/11
3D animation of foreshocks, mainshock, and aftershocks through March 22 (SCEC) (YouTube)

Magnitude 6.3 New Zealand Earthquake, 2/21/11
3D animation of foreshocks, mainshock, and aftershocks from 8/1/10 through 4/8/11 (SCEC) (YouTube)

57.2 MB Quicktime Movie
A movie made using the SCEC-VDO software showing a 3D animation of the SCEC Community Fault Model (over 150 major faults of Southern California). The movie highlights the San Andreas and Puente Hills faults.

19.1 MB Quicktime Movie
This educational movie made using SCEC-VDO shows the differences between strike-slip faults and thrust faults in southern California.

9.3 MB Quicktime Movie
Another SCEC-VDO movie showing two approx. magnitude 5 earthquakes that occurred within seven days in Southern California. The second earthquake is on or near the San Andreas fault and led to concern of a much larger earthquake (that did not happen).

33.4 MB Quicktime Movie
This SCEC-VDO movie shows how faults are bounding surfaces of micro-blocks of the earth's crust.

Movies made as part of the TeraShake program (www.scec.org/terashake)

5 MB Quicktime Movie
This is an animation showing the rupture velocities of a dynamic rupture model of a magnitude 7.7 on the southernmost San Andreas fault.

45.8 MB Quicktime Movie
A visualization of the TeraShake simulation showing surface instantaneous velocity magnitude as the fault ruptures from south to north.

10.8 MB Quicktime Movie
A visualization of the TeraShake simulation showing surface cumulative velocity magnitude as the fault ruptures from south to north.

10.4 MB Quicktime Movie
A 3D visualization of the TeraShake simulation showing surface instantaneous velocity magnitude plotted as vertical perturbations of togography, as the fault ruptures from south to north.

27.2 MB Quicktime Movie
A volumetric view of the TeraShake simulation showing surface and full subsurface ground motion animations as the fault ruptures from south to north.

14 MB Quicktime Movie
The two views in this movie show the cumulative velocities for a San Andreas earthquake TeraShake simulation, rupturing south to north and north to south. The crosshairs pinpoint the peak velocity magnitude as the simulation progresses.

Other animations

22.3 MB Quicktime Movie
3D visualization of ground motion during a magnitude 7.4 earthquake on the Puente Hills fault.

Created in the SCEC system
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