A new type of measurement
way to measure vertical and horizontal movement of the earth is through
the use of GPS. GPS is a navigation and positioning
system developed by the Department of Defense in the early 1970's. Among
its many applications, scientists use GPS to monitor the movement of
the Earth's crust, all over the world, between and during earthquakes.
From these measurements, maps and models can be created to show how
fast and in what direction the crust is moving due to both plate and
fault movement. SCIGN, the Southern California
Integrated GPS Network, is one of the newest GPS arrays, designed to
produce detailed information about movements in Southern California.
By using GPS and networks such as SCIGN, it will be possible in the
near future to reduce damage to buildings, freeways, utilities, and
homes, and improve emergency preparedness and response by determining,
in advance, areas and structures in those areas at greatest risk.
Last modified on 8/13/98 by Maggi Glasscoe (scignedu@jpl.nasa.gov)