Seismic Hazard Assessment of the San Joaquin Hills Using GIS

Daniel Raymond
UC Irvine
Mentor: Lisa Grant, UCI

The San Joaquin Hills region in southern Orange County is an area that is undergoing tremendous growth. Recent studies suggest that the anticlinal structure of the San Joaquin hills is due to a combination of folding, and faulting in the area. The tectonic and seismic hazard significance of the
faults is not understood. Considering the rapid growth of the region, it is imperative that the seismic hazard of these faults be assessed so regional planning can proceed in an informed manner.

The goal of my research project is to create a GIS-based map and database, which will compile information on these faults from geotechnical development reports and unpublished geologic maps. This information may be used to assess seismic hazards in the San Joaquin Hills region. This project involves collecting fault data from geologic consulting firms along with local and regional governments. The data is the basis for a regional GIS map, which will display important seismic hazard information such as recency of fault rupture, fault location and dip, sense of motion (if known) and a bibliography of published and unpublished sources. It is my goal to make this map as useful as possible for the sound planning of the region. If the faulting and neotectonic structures can be considered and incorporated into mitigation measures for the area, the risk of property damage and loss of life may be significantly reduced in the future.

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Table of Contents

Seismic Hazard Assessment of the San Joaquin Hills Using GIS

San Joaquin Hills Region

San Joaquin Hills Region

Project Goal

Map and Database: Evaluation Criteria

Map and Database: Fault Location and Dip

Map and Database: Recency of Rupture

Map and Database: Sense of Motion

Map and Database: Bibliography

Map and Database
