2000 SCEC Annual Meeting: "The SCEC Transition and Future"

The 10th SCEC annual meeting was held September 17-20 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Oxnard, California.

Sunday, September 17
  Arrival in Oxnard
2:00 - 5:00    Santa Clara Basin Working Group Meeting -- Steve Day
   There may be other specialized group meetings this afternoon.
Afternoon/Evening Poster Session Set-Up
Monday, September 18, 2000
7:30 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast
SCEC Plenary Session I
8:30 Introduction -- John McRaney
8:45 EarthScope Update -- Tom Henyey
9:00 NSF Perspective -- Jim Whitcomb
9:15 USGS Perspective -- John Unger
9:30 SCEC Advisory Council Perspective -- Bob Smith
9:45 Communication, Education and Outreach Report  -- Jill Andrews
    Intern Introductions
10:20 Break
10:45 SCEC Science Report -- Highlighting the First Decade ­ Bernard Minster
  The SCEC Highlights (15 minutes each)
11:15 Southern California: A Natural Laboratory for Earthquake Science -- Bernard Minster
11:30 Landers and Hector Mine: Two SCEC Earthquakes-- Duncan Agnew/Tom Rockwell
11:45 The L.A. Basin Story -- Ralph Archuleta
12:00 Data Collection, Synthesis, and Products -- Ken Hudnut
12:15 -1:15 Lunch 
1:30 Earthquake Forecasting -- Dave Jackson
1:45 Fault System Behavior -- Steve Day
2:00 Reaching Out to a World in Motion: The SCEC CEO -- Jill Andrews
2:15 Development of the Master Model-- Ned Field
2:30 Themes -- Tom Henyey
2:45 Discussion of SCEC Highlights -- What is Missing?
3:15 Instructions to Working Groups on 2001/Year 11 Plans -- Bernard Minster
Group Meetings (Note: There will be some overlap in the group meetings)
3:30 SCIGN Coordinating Board Meeting -- Ken Hudnut
3:30 - 5:00 Group A -- Dave Jackson
4:30 - 6:00 Group B -- Ralph Archuleta
5:30 - 7:00 Cocktail Hour and Dinner
  SCEC Advisory Council Executive Session (begins during dinner)
7:00 Poster Session I
Tuesday, September 19, 2000
7:30 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 9:30 Group C -- Tom Rockwell
9:00 - 10:30 Group D -- Rob Clayton
10:00 - 11:30 Group E -- Duncan Agnew
11:00 - 12:30 Group F -- Steve Day
12:45 Lunch
SCEC Plenary Session II
2:00 Introduction to SCEC 2 and Breakout Sessions -- Tom Jordan
2:30 ­ 5:00

Breakouts (Chairs/Co-Chairs to be named later)

  • Plate-Boundary Tectonics --   Paul Segall/Brad Hager
  • Fault Systems --  Tom Rockwell/Charlie Sammis
  • Microscale Processes --  Jim Dieterich/Bernard Minster
  • Rupture Dynamics --   Tom Heaton/Steve Day
  • Wave Propagation --  Ralph Archuleta/John Vidale
  • Seismic Hazard Analysis --  Dave Jackson/Ned Field
5:00 ­ 7:00 Cocktail Hour and Dinner
  Outreach Awards
7:00 Poster Session II
7:30 SCEC Advisory Council Meeting
8:30 WInSAR Meeting - David Sandwell/Chair
Wednesday, September 20, 2000
7:30 ­ 8:30 Continental Breakfast
SCEC Plenary Session III
8:30 ­ 10:00 Reports from Breakout Groups
10:00 Break
10:30 ­ 11:30 Discussion of Breakouts and Vision for SCEC 2 - Jordan
End of SCEC Meeting
1:00 SCIGN Advisory Council Meeting

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